The PROFITEST MTECH+ IQ EV Basic Packet is a portable and user-friendly electrical safety tester designed specifically for the inspection and measurement of AC charging points for electric vehicles (EVs). It is a versatile tool that can be used to perform a variety of tests, including:
The set can test all types of AC/DC sensitive RCDs, including those used in electric charging points. This is important because electric vehicles can produce DC leakage currents.
Test the continuity of low impedance conductors
Insulation resistance - this test measures the resistance between the conductors of an AC charging point to ensure that it is not electrically connected to the earth.
Vehicle, Cable and Fault Simulation in a Single Instrument
Testing of Wall Boxes with Permanently Attached Charging cables
The Gossen Metrawat M536 test instrument set used for testing the effectiveness of protective measures at stationary electrical installations after completion, repair or expansion, and for periodic testing.
Measuring and test sequence easy setup of the system structure or measuring and storage or report generation Preconfigured and user programmable test sequences for testing electric systems quickly Storage concept for up to 50,000 data records User safety by means of PE detection when using finger contact
The test instrument set is suitable for testing stationary electrical installations, such as wall boxes, charging points and charging stations.