Tmax PV is the latest T Generation product: from 160 to 250 A , up to 1100 Vdc.,Tmax PV possesses IEC 60947-3 and IEC 60947-2 certification.,Tmax PV includes 6 different sizes: from the compact T1(which can be mounted on DIN rail) to the high-performance T7, available in the two versions, with lever operating mechanism and motor operator.,Tmax PV reaches a rated insulation voltage up to 1150 Vdc.,Tmax PV includes all the advantages of the T Generation:,excellent performance-dimensions ,vast and complete range of accessories for all requirements,complete remote control,Tmax PV operating devices are the first moulded-case switch-disconnectors for high direct voltage available on the market.,They are of certain interest for all types of photovoltaic installation, where they are the ideal answer for every disconnecting requirement.,Tmax PV moulded-case switch-disconnectors can be used in both parallel switchgears and inverter switchgears.,When used in inverter switchgears, Tmax PV makes it absolutely simple to coordinate the direct side and the alternate side: the same circuit-breaker can be used for both the DC and AC sides.,Moreover, Tmax PV equipment, which are manufactured and tested in accordance with Standard IEC 60947-3, can be used for mixed resistive-inductive loads in all low voltage installations with 1100 Vdc and 1600 A rated current.